About Us
Corvallis Drug has been serving the communities of Corvallis, Ravalli County, and Bitterroot Valley since 1910. Being a community staple, we've proudly taken on the role of improving Corvallis's healthcare by providing fast and personalized service. We strive to make every experience you have with us a great one. At our pharmacy, your family is our family. Our friendly staff is dedicated to ensuring that you receive expert care on every visit. Stop by today and let Corvallis Drug become part of your family.
Meet Our Staff
Karen Anderson, RPh, Pharmacist-In-Charge
Karen is a third generation "Bitterrooter" and graduate of the University of Montana's Skaggs School of Pharmacy. She has worked for Corvallis Drug for over 20 years.
Lori Pape, CPhT
Amy Schulz, CPhT
In addition to being a certified pharmacy technician, Amy is the store's go-to person for any questions regarding our OTC products and gift selection.
Sydonia Curtis, CPhT
Sydonia became a Certified Pharmacy Technician shortly after graduating from Corvallis High School in 2015. In addition to working at the DrugStore, Sydonia is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with hopes of running the family business one day!